Tuesday, December 3, 2013

America's dairy land

This region of the Upper Midwest is dairy country and we've begun our collection of cheeses to bring home. The ice cream is harder to transport so we're just carrying it in our tummies.
This really is beautiful country, a rolling sea of farms and forests with islands of pristine white farm houses, red barns, silos, and towering Catholic Church spires dotting the view. Like something out of Currier & Ives only prettier.
And bountiful. Cranberry capital of America, dozens of traditional brewers, and great ethnic foods.
We found some Sprecher sodas while ordering our cheese sandwiches, then discovered they brew beer and run German restaurants. Enjoyed sauer brauten over spaetzel, tasty IPA, and blueberry soda for dinner. Likely gain more weight in Wisconsin than any other state.

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