Monday, September 9, 2019

Stuck in the Arctic

With 18 months of prep we had provisioned for everything but humans...
Headed south from Inuvik we returned to the Mackenzie ferry where they told us the Dempster was closed due to an LP tanker rollover north of Eagle Plains. We had been planning to fish Frog Creek  again anyway so we dropped into Ft. McPherson for a few camp supplies then returned for fishing.
Mucky and wet so had to hike in.

Definitely worth the effort though as got to catch my first fish on the new 8wt, a 24" northern pike ... Supper!!!

Set up a muddy wet camp and Burf! got the fire going on his first attempt. Tasty supper and tidy camp!

Camping rhythm in the Sequoia going well, everything properly stowed for the night. Plus, the layers of mud on back glass made it similar to sleeping in a hearse. Although apparently I've developed an enviable yet irritating snoring cadence...

Sometime during the night the Northern Lights began their show to our south! We hauled out of our bags and stood shivering in the night, quietly immersing ourselves with the ethereal phenomenon and gazing in awe.
As a wordsmith still finding it difficult to accurately describe the magic of the Lights on a cold Arctic night when your breathing is the only sound... didn't even consider taking photos.
All preserved on my internal hard drive for future reflection...
Up early the next morning for camp coffee and dropping south, closer to the Arctic Circle, full of confidence in our camping scheme and optimistic about coming adventures...

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