Monday, September 16, 2019

The trip down...

Reaching an apex, a peak, pinnacle or mountain top provides some nice views, photo ops, and satisfaction.
But the climb up and careful descent define the journey. The is no peak without the sides...
After such a special morning in the Stellako we wandered downstream to a more isolated bend, but despite the "country club" conditions and fish hitting the surface, just couldn't hook up again. Changed flies 3 times and had fish jumping OVER my line to get what Nature was sending along.
Couldn't decipher it but couldn't complain either...

Thus began the worst part of any trip, the actual directional change committed to (gasp) return. 
Not that we don't really miss home and family,  but that realization that fun things are being stowed for travel just kinda sucks. 
To ease the transition found Crossroads Brewing in Prince George, BC - their charcuterie and dinner may have actually been better'n the beer.

HAD to do rig maintenance this morning and got KalTire to do oil change and tire rotation. Prolly waited about 600 miles too long as the tires had been taking a beating...

Wandered and turned where Burf! directed which found us one more opportunity to restock fly boxes...

And fish one more stream, the strong Adams River.

Which finds us in Vernon, BC with about 8,000 miles behind us and 2,000 or so to go...

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