Friday, June 27, 2014

Ireland Dos and Don'ts

Believe that this is the first time I've been gone for 2 weeks and not wanted to get back home. Just love Ireland, but confess a bias towards the north and northwest, as there's way too many tourists south of and along the line from Galway to Dublin.
So what if we're tourists. Our goal is always to hang with the locals, do what they do, eating and drinking like them and generally blending in, especially when driving!
As a wrap up, some observations of what Ireland has to offer.....

Ireland Do:
Have Guinness everywhere, some fresher than others based on how busy the pub.
Have a surprising and tasty selection of microbrews that has grown over the past decade, wish they were available in the States.
Have great breakfast that'll last all day, just don't ask what's in the black pudding.
Have great veggie soups and brown breads at every stop.
Have nothing but friendly folks.
Have fresh foods - not processed packaged stuff like in the States, but really fresh breads, meats, and veggies.  You can taste the difference.

Ireland Don't:
Have great roads. The M routes are like US 181. The N (National) routes range from our two-lane FM roads and worse, none with shoulders, and lots of curves and hedges and walls. The R (Regional) routes are FM or worse. And the L (Local) routes are two tracks or driveway sized with curves and walls.
Have abysmal weather, at least not while we were there. Rain?  Wind? Cold? Hah! I went to Ireland and got a tan. Longest drought in recent history was 37 days without rain. Must just follow me cause we got them through 14.
Have air conditioning. ...see heat wave comments above. Only one hotel had A/C.

Ironically, despite the drought we brought/enjoyed in Ireland, it has rained in South Texas every day since we got home!  So much for the argument that dry weather just follows me around...


And Sláinte!

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