Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Have a Coke and a smile

When you twist the cap off your soft drink you can thank John Biedenharn of Vicksburg for the option. He was a young candy merchant and ran a soda fountain in town, but had many rural customers. He came up with the idea of putting the Coca Cola syrup into bottles of soda water for delivery. Coke gave him permission but didn't adopt the process for nationwide delivery until 1896. After that, there were bottling plants across America, including Kenedy, Texas, until interstate highways made distribution more regional.

Syrup bins were made from marble, easier to clean and keep cold. 

Early bottling equipment. Note fencing helmet, useful since bottles frequently exploded. 

Interesting connection. The guy who developed the coke formula was related to the Confederate general Pemberton who defended and ultimately surrendered Vicksburg. 

Is there a more collected memorabilia than Coke's?

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